network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Using LaTeX – 26 January 2017

The Scottish Maths Support Network is organising a workshop on using Latex for writing documents on Thursday the 26th of January 2017, at the University of Glasgow. The workshop is aimed at people with little or no experience with LaTeX.

The workshop will run from 11:00 to 15:00 and lunch will be providing. We are asking participants to bring their own device with a LaTeX editor installed prior to attending the event. A couple of popular editors are:

-Texmaker (cross-platform):

-MiKTeX (Windows only):

Both editors are free to download, and instructions for installing them can be found on their website.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please register before Friday the 13th of January using the following link:

Feel free to forward the invitation to any interested party in your institution. An agenda and travel information will be sent out nearer the time.

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