CETL-MSOR 2018: Evidencing Excellence in the Mathematical Sciences
5th – 6th September 2018, University of Glasgow
The CETL-MSOR 2018 conference took place on 5-6 September 2018 at the University of Glasgow. The principle themes of the conference included:
- Current developments in mathematics and statistics support within, and across, the disciplines.
- Using data and evidence to enhance teaching, learning and support.
- Encouraging and preparing future teachers of mathematics.
- Engaging students in learning and teaching enhancement and innovation, including the specialist mathematician and more-able student.
The keynote speakers at the conference were:
Dr Noel-Ann Bradshaw, Argos
Prof Gavin Brooks, University of Reading
Dr Joe Kyle, University of Birmingham
The Conference Programme is available here. A Booklet of Abstracts is available here.
Conference organisers:
Shazia Ahmed, University of Glasgow
Michael Grove, University of Birmingham
Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Maynooth University
Rob Wilson, Cardiff University
We are grateful for support from:
- Learning Directorate, Scottish Government
- Cengage Learning
- Glasgow Mathematical Journal Learning and Research Support Fund
- Scottish Mathematical Council
- Institute of Mathematics & its Applications
- The National Numeracy Project
- Pearson Education