The sigma Network is pleased to support the following one-day conference:
Dyscalculia, Numeracy and Maths Anxiety
Wednesday 12th April 2017, Loughborough University
Keynote speakers: ·
Professor David Sheffield: Brief Interventions for maths anxiety
Peter Jarrett: The assessment of dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties
There will also be a range of parallel workshop sessions and some case studies:
Maths and statistics anxiety in higher education
Strength and Knowledge: developing self-realisation and perceived limit breakthroughs in mathematics students
Practical Strategies to Support Students with Dyscalculia/Maths Learning Difficulties in Higher Education
From Engineering to Fine Art: supporting dyscalculic students
Dyscalculia in the Workplace
Cost: £160, Credit card only
All rooms have disabled access and disabled car parking is available
Further details and booking