network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Technology Enhanced Learning – 30th June 2016 (note change of date)

The next sigma meeting organised by the North East & Yorkshire Hub is taking place on THURSDAY 30th JUNE 2016 from 10:30-3:30pm at the University of Newcastle.  The focus is on Technology Enhanced Learning.

This one day event will concentrate on getting started with various software/systems to facilitate and enhance teaching and learning of maths in Higher Education. The day will start with an introduction to maths support at Newcastle University by the host David McGeeney, followed by some interactive workshops introducing participants to the software and demonstrating how they can be used to support the learning of mathematics and statistics.  The workshops will be ideal for people who have not used the software before.

Location: School of Mathematics & Statistics

Herschel Building (3rd floor)
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne


10.30-11am Welcome and coffee

11-11.30 Maths Support at Newcastle University (David McGeeney)

11.30-12.15 Geogebra activity (Vijay Teeluck)

12.15 – 12.45 Sumaze the App (Trevor Hawkes/Vijay Teeluck)

12.45 – 1.30 pm lunch

1.30 – 3.30 Christian Lawson-Perfect  – Numbas workshop

3.30 end


For more information on the event, email one of the North East hub coordinators or

For more information on Newcastle University, please email the host


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