network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

CETL-MSOR Conference 2021. 2nd – 3rd Sept 2021

CETL-MSOR 2021: Celebrating our Past, Embracing our Future

2nd – 3rd September 2021.  Coventry University

Our popular annual conference for those involved in mathematics, statistics and operations research teaching, learning and support in higher education. This year the conference will be a hybrid event for the first time, with in-person and virtual attendance and presentation possibilities (subject to Covid restrictions).

We were pleased to welcome our keynote speakers:

  • Professor Tony Croft, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Education, Loughborough University
  • Neil Sheldon, Chair of the Teaching Statistics Trust and former Vice President of the Royal Statistical Society
  • Professor Rolf Biehler, Professor of Mathematics Education, Paderborn University, Germany
  • Dr Joe Kyle, Formerly of the Department of Mathematics, University of Birmingham

This year the conference focused on the following themes:

  • Lessons learnt from the past that will enhance the future
  • MSOR in the pandemic
  • Online assessment practices
  • Online education: Communities of teaching and learning
  • A blended future?

The call for presentation abstracts is now open! Please visit the conference website for more details and to submit an abstract:

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