CETL-MSOR 2022: Teaching and Learning in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research
1st – 2nd September 2022. Abertay University
Our popular annual conference for those involved in mathematics, statistics and operations research teaching, learning and support in higher education.
We were pleased to welcome our keynote speakers:
- Assistant Professor Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Director of the Mathematics Support Centre, Maynooth University
- Professor Rachel Hilliam, Professor of Statistics, Faculty of Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mathematics, School of Mathematics &
Statistics, Open University
Closing Plenary
- Dr Joe Kyle, The Department of Mathematics, University of Birmingham
This year the conference focused on the following themes:
- Digital accessibility
- Modes of delivery in Mathematical Sciences – the best of the old and the new
- Widening access, articulation and outreach
- Student engagement, what is it and how do we measure it?
The call for presentation abstracts is now open!
Please visit the conference website for more details and to submit an abstract