network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Workshop on accessible learning resources in mathematics – 7 January 2013

The University of Bath hosted a workshop on Accessible Learning
Resources in mathematics on 7th January 2013. This workshop aimed to
bring together practitioners and researchers with an interest in the
technical challenges of producing accessible learning resources for
mathematical subjects. Delegates were warned that talks would be of a
technical nature, assuming knowledge of at least (but not
limited to) LaTeX, MathML and the typical authoring and content
production practices of the mathematics community.

Volker Sorge of the University of Birmingham spoke on his
project to turn electronically prepared PDF documents containing
mathematics into accessible documents. Jonathan Fine of the Open
University discussed the methods the OU has been
exploring. Emma Cliffe of University of Bath disseminated some of
the findings of a HESTEM funded project aimed at exploring methods
currently available to individual lecturers.