network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Using puzzles and games in the teaching of mathematics – 26 June 2014

The SE sigma Hub is organising a free workshop entitled ‘Using maths puzzles and games in the teaching of mathematics’ at Kings College, London on Thursday 26th June from 10:30-4pm, Liddell Hart Seminar Room, S3.05, Strand Campus, Kings College, London and directions can be found: Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Speakers will include:

  • Sally Barton (Sir George Monoux) – ‘Puzzles to engage students in problem classes
  • Noel-Ann Bradshaw (University of Greenwich and sigma SE Hub Coordinator) ‘Promoting problem solving through the Maths Arcade
  • Danny Brown (Greenwich Free School) ‘Using puzzles and games to motivate student engagement in maths
  • Claire Cornock (Sheffield Hallam University) – ‘Using a Rubik’s Cube to teach group theory
  • Peter Rowlett (Nottingham Trent) ‘Puzzles and problem solving used with 1st year maths undergrads and the Big Bang
  • Allison Smale (Bucks New University) ‘Using puzzles and games to help overcome numerophobia

Click here for the full programme.

This workshop should be of interest to any involved in teaching maths at all levels, and particularly those involved in motivating students from other disciplines by showing them that maths can be fun! There will be a time of discussion and sharing ideas so if you have a particular game and/or puzzle that you use effectively in your teaching please do bring this along. Although this is organised by the South East Hub it is open to any maths support practitioner. Please pass on to anyone that you think would enjoy attending.

Please email Noel-Ann Bradshaw ( if you would like to attend, giving details of any dietary requirements.


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