The sigma Network for Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support will award up to three prizes for outstanding contributions to mathematics and statistics support in Higher Education during the current academic year 2014/15.
- The sigma Prize for Outstanding Contributor 2015: £500 to an individual employed in a higher education institution (UK) who has made a sustained contribution to mathematics and/or statistics support.
- The sigma Mathematics or Statistics Support Research Paper of the Year 2015: £250 to an author (or authors) of a single outstanding paper that impacts directly or indirectly on support for mathematics and/or statistics in higher education.
- The sigma Student of the Year 2015: £250 to an undergraduate or postgraduate at a higher education institution (UK) who has made a significant difference to any aspect of mathematics/statistics support.
Full details of the criteria for each category and the nomination process can be found in the guidance notes (links below).
In addition to the monetary award, each recipient will receive a Certificate of Award and one free place at the CETL-MSOR Conference 2015 (Note: only one free place available for the Paper of the Year award). Recipients will be expected to cover their own travel expenses. The prizes will be formally awarded at the Conference Dinner on the evening of Tuesday 8th September 2015.
Key dates
- Call for nominations : Tuesday 28th April 2015
- Closing date for nominations: Friday 5th June 2015
- Announcement of prize winners : Thursday 25th June 2015
- Prize giving ceremony : Tuesday 8th September 2015
If you have any queries, please contact me at
Guidance notes and nomination forms
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