The sigma North East and Yorkshire hub are hosting a tutor training event which is free and for mathematics and statistics support centres in the hub, and nearby regions, who wish to access sigma training for their tutors. It will be held at Leeds University on Friday 16th October and includes lunch and light refreshments. The training will be delivered by members of sigma and is based around the sigma guide and is suitable for:
- New postgraduate tutors
- Staff tutors new to providing mathematics and statistics centre support
- Staff who wish to learn more about how the training is delivered so as to inform local delivery or to help with delivery in the hub in the future.
sigma Tutor Training Event
Friday 16th October 2015, 12-4:30pm
The University of Leeds, Footsteps Room, Laidlaw Library, Leeds LS2 9JT
Register here:
If you have any questions and/or require further information please email Vijay Teeluck or Chetna Patel chetna.patel@SHEFFIELD.AC.UK.