network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Impact and Evaluation of Mathematics Support – 15th March 2019

Lanchester Library, Coventry University
Friday 15th March 2019 10.30am – 3.30pm

A free workshop to explore ways of evaluating the impact of your mathematics and statistics support service.

Draft Programme

10.00am              Registration and coffee
10.30am               Welcome and housekeeping
10.35am               A senior management perspective
.                                (Duncan Lawson, former PVC Newman University)
11.20am               Comfort break
11.30am               Workshop  – reviewing impact and evaluation questionnaires
.                                 (facilitated by Marks Hodds, Coventry University)
12.30pm               Lunch
1.15pm                 The role of a critical friend
.                                 (Emma Cliffe (Bath) and Rob Wilson (Cardiff))
2.00pm                 Sharing practice from around the sector
3.15pm                 Summary of the day
3.30pm                 End of workshop


This is a free workshop provided by the sigma Network and hosted by Coventry University.  To register to attend please contact Mark Hodds (  If you would like to contribute to the Sharing practice session please indicate this when you register.

Recommended Reading

There are two freely available sigma guides that are highly pertinent to this workshop:

Gathering student feedback on mathematics and statistics support provision

Evaluation of mathematics support centres: a review of the literature

A report from the Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network is also relevant:

Report on Student Evaluation of Mathematics Learning Support


For those working towards HEA Fellowship, engagement with this event and reflection on the implications for your professional practice can help provide evidence towards the following dimensions of the UKPSF:  A1, A4, A5, K3, K5, K6, V1, V2, V3, V4