We would like to invite you all to join us online on the morning of Tuesday May 17th from 10.30am until 12pm for an informal “coffee” morning. This will be held on Teams and the link to join is here. Come along any time between 10.30 and 12 if you wish or join us for the full hour and a half:
Click here to join the meeting
The aim is to have these as a regular feature in the calendar. The aim of this one, apart from re-connecting with colleagues and firstly giving folks a chance to see some friendly faces and a have catch up, is to facilitate discussions regarding how we (i.e. you), “the sigma-network” can best help each other, such as for example what events you would like to see the network running over the next 12-24 months.
We also hope that as many of the current sigma-Network Steering Group will be there for you to say hello to and see who we are. This group do lots of sterling work behind the scenes to keep the network…, well…. “networking” and steered in the right direction. So we really need to know what direction it is that you would like us to steer it in.
We will have breakout rooms for part of the session so you can join a room of your choice to meet with specific colleagues about topics you want to discuss or generally network with.
The agenda for the 17th is roughly as follows:
10.30-11.00am – Welcome, hello’s and an informal group discussion for themes/ideas/thoughts you would like to be explored/discussed etc.
11.00-11.40am – Smaller group meetings in breakout rooms to discuss particular themes/ideas emerging from the earlier discussion
11.40am-12.00pm – Reporting back with ideas for the Steering group and other volunteers to develop into an action plan
We look forward to seeing you all there.
On behalf of the sigma-Network Steering Group