network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Tutor training for statistics support, Coventry – 26th October 2018

The sigma Network’s Special Interest Group in Statistics Support is hosting a free one day workshop on developing the skills needed for providing effective statistics support.  This is aimed at anyone who gives statistical advice and wishes to improve their skills in providing this type of support.

The statistics support needs of many students usually relates to the application of statistics to an individual project which those new to statistics support can often find challenging.  The event, led by experienced statistics tutors, will concentrate on developing the additional skills required for this type of support along with tips for dealing with common issues.  The workshop will use scenario based training to allow delegates to build confidence through practical activities, discussion and sharing ideas.

Aspects of statistics support which will be covered include:

  • Listening and questioning skills
  • Choosing the right test
  • Explaining key concepts
  • Providing support rather than a consultancy
  • Tailoring to the individual
  • Dealing with difficult situations

This free workshop, including lunch and refreshments, is being hosted by the sigma Mathematics Support Centre at Coventry University on Friday 26th October 2018, from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.

If you are interested in attending please register via this link:

If you have any questions about the event please email one of the organisers:

Alun Owen at Coventry:
Ellen Marshall at Sheffield Hallam:
Mark Hodds at Coventry:


For those working towards HEA Fellowship, engagement with this event and reflection on the implications for your professional practice can help provide evidence towards the following dimensions of the UKPSF:  A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, K2, K3, K4, V1, V2, V3, V4

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