network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Statistics Training for Mathematics and Statistics Support Tutors – 20th April 2018

Coventry University sigma Centre, 10.00 am  – 4.00 pm, Friday 20th April 2018

The sigma Network Special Interest Group (SIG) in Statistics Support is delighted to announce a workshop on ’Statistics Training for Mathematics and Statistics Support Tutors’, being held on Friday 20th April 2018, 10:00am – 4:00pm at Coventry University.

This free event offers an overview of Meta-Analysis and Factor Analysis. These have been highlighted as two topics that students are increasingly asking for assistance with in the context of in mathematics and statistics support. Unfortunately many support staff report having little or no expertise or experience of these topics. The aim of the workshop is therefore to provide mathematics and statistics tutors with an overview of these two topics, where the focus will be as much on how to assist students with them as it is on technical content.

The event is hosted by Coventry University’s sigma Centre and closes with an open discussion about issues relating to mathematics and statistics support. Hence there will be opportunities to look at the mathematics and statistics support facilities offered at Coventry University and to also network with other mathematics and statistics support staff with interests in this area.

Everyone is welcome to attend and can register for free by emailing Alun Owen at with the following information:

  • Name and work contact details including email and telephone number
  • Any specific access or dietary requirements required on the day
  • If you require car parking (please provide car make, model and reg no.)

An indicative programme for the workshop is provided below.

10:00am – 10:25am Arrival, registration and refreshments
10:25am – 10.30am  Welcome and Housekeeping
10:30am  – 12:30pm An overview of Meta-Analysis, David Bowers
• General principles and underlying theory
• Using computer software for meta-analysis
• Examples and case studies
• Commonly asked questions from students
12:30pm – 1.15pm  Networking Lunch
1.15pm – 3.15pm An overview of Factor Analysis, Jonathan Gillard
• General ideas behind factor analysis
• How to implement a factor analysis in SPSS and R
• Examples of when a factor analysis would be appropriate
3.15pm – 4.00pm Open Discussion
• Emerging issues in mathematics and statistics support
• Maths and Stats support in action – a visit to Coventry University’s sigma Centre


For those working towards HEA Fellowship, engagement with this event and reflection on the implications for your professional practice can help provide evidence towards the following dimensions of the UKPSF:  A1, A2, A3, A5, K1, K2, K4, V1, V2.