The sigma North East and Yorkshire Hub are arranging an event at the University of Sheffield on Monday 19 January 2015, starting at 10am and finishing at 4pm. The day will be a combination of talks and activities and aims to give delegates an opportunity to consider their inclusive practice of mathematics and statistics support and learn ways of developing it further.
Widening participation initiatives and changes in confidence in our society has led to an increase in numbers of students from non-traditional backgrounds. In the maths support community we are good at helping students get to a level playing field when it comes to mathematics and statistics skills but I think we have yet to engage as a whole community with the trickier support for students with challenging mental and physical health conditions. This event hopes to not only increase awareness but will help to take us forward pre-empting the increase in student numbers and support needs.
Clare Trott from Loughborough University has played a leading role in developing methods for helping students with dyscalculia and low maths confidence; Victoria Mann (Specialist SpLD tutor) with 14 years of experience from University of Sheffield and Dylan Griffiths from Bangor University will be some of the speakers at the event. The full programme is yet to be finalised.
If you would like to contribute to the event, please let me know. There is no charge for attending and refreshments including lunch will be provided. Preliminary enquiries can be sent to
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