network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Second funding call for new centres/enhanced provision

sigma – the national network for cross-university mathematics and statistics support – is pleased to be able to offer a second round of funding to pump-prime the development of new mathematics and/or statistics support centres in institutions with little or no existing provision, and the development of substantially new lines of activity within existing centres[1]. The funding is available to six English[2] Higher Education Providers for two years [up to £10,000 for 2014/15 and up to £5,000 for 2015/16].

For the purposes of this funding call, mathematics and/or statistics support refers to activities which are provided to support and enhance students’ learning of mathematics and/or statistics (in one or more disciplines, at any level of higher education) and which are provided separately and in addition to traditional lectures, tutorials, examples classes, personal tutorial sessions etc. We would normally expect this would involve substantial opportunities for face-to-face contact between students and centre staff.

briefing day will be held on Friday May 9th 2014 at Loughborough University, prior to the closing date, in order that potential applicants have the opportunity to hear about the work of mathematics/statistics support centres and have the opportunity to ask questions, the answers to which may help shape and focus their bids. Potential bidders are strongly advised to attend this briefing day.

For further information, select

Informal contact about all ideas for submission is strongly encouraged. Please contact Moira Petrie by

[1] Priority will be given to those proposals that intend to establish support centres in institutions where none currently exist. Applicants from institutions that already have mathematics/statistics support centres should note carefully the separate application process for centre enhancement.

[2] Only English HEIs are eligible to apply for this funding since the grant award was made by HEFCE.

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