Place: University of East London (UEL)
Date: Tuesday 16th December 2014
10:30 am refreshments for an 11 am start. To finish by 3:00 pm.
This will be a networking event organised by the sigma Eastern England Hub for people involved in the provision of mathematics and statistics support in higher education. Attendees will have the opportunity to share experiences, explain what works well for them, and seek ideas for the further development of their service.
The meeting will be particularly helpful for those just starting a maths/stats support service, for example through the sigma funding initiative, but more experienced practitioners will also find it interesting to share experiences and network with others.
All attendees will have an opportunity to deliver a brief and strictly timed talk on aspects of their maths/stats support model. For example,
- Is support provided by individual arrangement, drop in, bookable slots or extra classes?
- How often is support offered and by whom, staff or PG students?
- What are the objectives beyond provision of support to clients?
- How are participation levels, and what is done to promote the service?
- What resources are used and found most helpful?
- How do you evaluate success and impact?
- What challenges have been experienced and how have they been addressed?
Attendees will be encouraged to leave with an “action plan” for the further development of their service.
The event will be attended by David Bowers, Chair of the sigma Network, who will give an overview and update on the support available through sigma.
Free event with a sandwich buffet provided
To book a place, or for further information, please contact: Dan Brawn, sigma Eastern England Hub Assistant Co-ordinator:
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