network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Maths support through embedded classes – 16th November 2016

London South Bank University are delighted to host a free sigma Network event – Maths Support through Embedded Classes – on Wednesday 16th November 2016, starting at 12.30 and ending around 16.45.

If you are involved in the provision of mathematics and/or statistics support in Higher Education, this event will give you the opportunity to share your experience with colleagues from other HE institutions. The event will mainly focus on support delivered through embedded classes. The aim is to share best practice, to enable participants to network and to develop action plans for the provision of maths support in your institution, possibly through an embedded approach.

Further information about the day is available on this poster. Enquiries to Mohamed Mehbali, Learning Development Adviser for Maths, LSBU You may book a place here.

For those working towards HEA Fellowship, attendance at and engagement with this event, and reflection on its implication for practice, could help to provide evidence towards elements of the UK Professional Standards Framework: A1, A2, A4, A5, K2, K3, V2, V3.

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