University of Wolverhampton. 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
We are delighted to invite members of the sigma Network to join our FREE one day mathematics education meeting under the theme of “Mathematics learning activities – transition to HE”. The provisional programme is below:
10.00 Registration. Welcome. Coffee.
10.30 Keynote: Dr Kirsten Pfeiffer (University of Galway) “Proof evaluation as a learning activity”
11.30 Workshop: Ms Abigail Parkes (University of Wolverhampton) “Team-based learning for Mathematics”
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Keynote: Dr Jorge Bruno (University of Winchester) “Student-centred learning for inclusive practice – the mathematics perspective”
14.00 Sharing practice session
15.45 Closing remarks
16.00 End of event
Booking is now open at
Any queries, please contact Liam Naughton