Wednesday 12th June 2013, at University Campus Suffolk
Statistics and quantitative data analysis techniques are increasingly used in “non-mathematical” disciplines such as the social sciences and humanities, as well as in the STEM subjects. This places an increasing demand on tutors, lecturers and learning assistants who support students in this area, either through in-course tutorials or through maths support centres or other central academic skills provision.
This event addressed an emerging need on the part of maths support tutors who might be less confident with statistics than other areas of mathematics and numeracy, namely how to use (and support students to use) the popular statistical software package SPSS. We covered: the SPSS interface; defining variables and coding data; producing descriptive statistics and graphs; correlation; simple significance testing; interpreting the SPSS output window. Delegates had hands-on individual use of a PC running SPSS v19 throughout the day.