network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics – 16th February 2018

Workshop at Sheffield Hallam University, Friday 16th February 2018 from 10am-4pm. 

All stakeholders in Higher Education are increasingly aware of the importance attached to the additional skills students should be gaining at university, over and above their course-specific skills. Students are concerned that courses will provide them with the full range of skills necessary to successfully gain graduate level employment. This presents challenges for those involved with maths and stats support and for those designing curricula for mathematics and related subjects. These include how to prepare students for graduate numeracy testing, how to develop careers awareness and career management skills and how to develop skills through alternative approaches to learning, teaching and assessment.

 A guide to employability and a collection of case studies on this theme have been prepared by the sigma Network Employability Special Interest Group and published as a booklet Employability development for HE mathematics and statistics. This launch event for the booklet will feature talks by several of the case study authors.

The presentations and resources used on the day are available here.

 Attendance is free. To register to attend, please email Peter Rowlett stating any dietary or access requirements.



10:00 Arrival and registration.

10:30 ‘Employability in the HE mathematics curriculum’, Jeff Waldock (Sheffield Hallam University).

11:15 ‘Refresh Your Maths’, Julia Paci (University of Exeter).

11:45 ‘Valuing and fostering communication skills: a dispersed approach’, Carol Calvert (Open University).

12:15 Lunch.

13:15 ‘Developing employability for engineering students’, Jonathan Cole (Queen’s University Belfast).

13:45 ‘A Placement Learning Programme for Mathematics’, Dafydd Evans (Cardiff University).

14:15 Break.

14:45 ‘Employability sessions for Mathematics students’, Karen Henderson (University of the West of England, UWE Bristol).

15:15 ‘Skills development through group projects in mathematics’, Peter Rowlett (Sheffield Hallam University).

15:45 Closing remarks.

16:00 Close.

This workshop is supported by the sigma Network through its Employability Special Interest Group.

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