network for excellence in
    mathematics and statistics support

2015 Student Summer Intern Projects

After receiving more than double the submissions from last year, the Student Summer Intern Projects Reviewing Panel agreed to fund the following 6 projects:

  • Brunel University London: To enhance the maths e.g. computer-aided assessment engine to cover more basic mathematics and statistics
  • University of Bath: To investigate and identify promotional activities for the Mathematics Resources Centre (MASH) at the University of Bath
  • University of Leeds: To develop e-assessmentactivities, including integral calculus and financial mathematics
  • University of Central Lancashire: To assist with the development of a three day outdoor course for mathematicians, which addresses such mathematical skills, without using strictly mathematical problems, but experiential games.
  • Newcastle University: To develop further material for the mathematics and statistics on-line support wiki found at
  • University of Nottingham: To produce engaging support, training and promotional materials for the School of Mathematics’ new PASS scheme

Each project will receive a £2,000 grant, with the main purpose being to provide the student interns with experience of working on a time limited project. The outputs of the projects will be shared with the wider community. In addition, the students will be offered the opportunity to present their projects as part of one of the keynote sessions at this year’s CETL-MSOR conference at the University of Greenwich. Details of the conference can be found here.